
Make the most of your wealth & achieve your goals with our Perspective strategies.

The Perspective Investment strategies provide a comprehensive investment advisory service designed for you. Our investment strategies are designed to add genuine value to your financial wellbeing. The strategies enable you to:

  • Set clear financial targets
  • Access our best-of-breed investment strategies 
  • Adjust the level of risk to suit your savings goals
  • Maintain full control of all investment decisions through our advisory service
  • Receive regular quarterly performance reports
  • Access the investment market analysis we use to inform our investment decisions - set out in our quarterly Market Updates
  • Investment strategies can be held personally or through an approved pension plan
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Agree a future-proofing financial strategy

We are experts at helping you to define and plan your financial goals. Then we establish the appropriate Perspective Investment strategy to enable you to achieve your long-term outcome.
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Access suitable investments

Perspective offers a range of investment strategies, each consisting of several managed funds. These cover the world's main markets and asset classes and are managed by some of the most respected names in the investment industry.
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Trusted strategies for different approaches to risk

Over many years we've developed Perspective investment strategies to provide a range of solutions to suit different levels of risk and investment objectives.
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Peace of mind 

We monitor the funds we deploy within the strategies on a daily basis. Fund manager changes, takeovers, and investment company news that could impact on performance are quickly assessed and addressed if we think it could adversely affect your investment.
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Understand and approve every decision

We provide an investment advisory service. Any changes we want to make to your investments will be explained and justified to you before we make them. 
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Advisers dedicated to you

When you need us, we'll be here. You'll have access to your dedicated adviser as often as you need to discuss your investments and the changing financial market environment. When things seem quiet, you can be assured we are working diligently to make the most of your wealth.

Ready to grow your savings?

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Talk to one of our consultants

The first step is to arrange a chat with one of our team.

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Do I need to know how to invest?

No. We will work with you to identify your appetite for risk, set your financial goals, and recommend a suitable solution. 

Will I be informed of every investment decision?

Yes. We provide an advisory service - keeping you close to the investment decision making process.

You will be notified before any changes are made to your investments and only you will have the authority to approve or decline the changes.

Can I choose where my savings are invested?

Yes. With Perspective, you will have the option to invest in one or a combination of pre-defined strategies. As your trusted advisers, we are always here to recommend the best approach to achieve your financial goals.

How do I start investing?

To start investing your savings, please give our team a call on 01534 502000 or 01481 241534 or complete our contact form and we'll aim to get back in touch within 48 hours.

We give our clients clear, practical advice that helps them reach their financial goals. One day we all want to stop working, and we can help you prepare for that.

Advice you can trust


Clarity with integrity
