Guernsey Workplace Pensions

Simple, flexible workplace pension plans designed specifically for Guernsey businesses and their employees.

  • Simple onboarding process
  • Minimal ongoing administration
  • Low cost pension savings plan for employers and employees
  • Flexible contributions
  • Wide range of funds available for investment
  • Online access to information and retirement planning tools
  • Financial advice for employees
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Local pension solutions

We have developed our pension solutions to meet the needs of employers and employees in the modern workplace.
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We're with you every step of the way

From helping you set up a pension for your staff, to meeting with employees to join the plan, through to taking benefits at retirement, we are with you and your staff every step of the way.
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Tailored to your employees

Eligibility to join the pension, contributions levels and the scheme retirement age tailored to the employer's requirements with a dedicated member guide for employees.
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Clear and transparent charges

Simple low cost charges, the employer pays a fixed set up fee with the option to pay a fixed annual administration fee and trustee fee reducing charges for their staff.
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Employees can take control

Access a wide range of investment funds managed by leading fund managers. Employees can choose their own funds for investment or leave it to our experienced team to help grow their pension.
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Online tools to track performance

Employees can track their fund performance online, we'll also send a pension statement directly to them each year.
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Fuss-free joining

We've worked hard to keep the joining process easy for employers and employees. For each new employee, we only require a couple of forms to join.
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A pension scheme that looks after itself

As each employee has their own plan, the responsibilities on the employer are minimal. Employers are only responsible for making contributions and managing the list of enrolled employees.
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We look after joiners and leavers

On leaving service , members retain ownership of the benefits in their plan, the employer only has to notify us of the date an employee leaves and we will contact them directly to discuss their options.
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Dedicated advice and support

Member queries can be referred directly to us, our dedicated pension consultants are available to meet with employees to provide advice, not just at the joining stage but any time during their membership of the plan and even after they have left the company.
Group of manufacturing plant employees
Group of young professionals in a meeting looking happy

Ready to talk workplace pensions?

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Contact Us

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Two young female employees walking through office
What plans are available?

We offer two different types of workplace pension: the Guernsey Retirement Plan and the Occupational Retirement Plan. Both solutions are unique to Rossborough Financial. Their subtle differences ensure a perfect fit depending on the requirements of the business.

Contact us to talk to our team about which plan would suit your business best.

What are the fees for a workplace pension?

Set up fees

There is a set up fee to cover due dilligence requirements and onboarding.


Annual Fees

The employer has the option to pay a fixed annual administration fee and trustee fee to reduce costs for the employees.

  • The annual Administration Fee is based on the number of members and is confirmed in advance of scheme set up

  • The current Trustee Fee is a fixed annual fee

The administration fee can either be paid by the employer (paid 6 monthly in advance), or deducted monthly from the contributions prior to investment into the member's plan.

The fund based charges are paid by the employee.


Annual Charge

This represents the cost of managing the underlying investment funds held in the members plan, expressed as the Total Expense Ratio (TER). It varies from fund to fund.

The TER, together with the Trustee Fee (if applicable), represents the Total Annual Charge for managing the investment of the pension funds and maintaining the members Plan. The Annual Charges are calculated proportionally each month and deducted by the sale of units.

Full details of all charges are confirmed in writing in advance of a pension scheme set up.


How long does it take to set up a new plan?

We recommend employers allow 3 months from the initial enquiry to scheme set up.

What happens if an employee leaves?

On leaving, members retain ownership of their benefits in the plan.  We will contact the member to discuss their options and continue to look after them after they have left service.

How do employees access their plan online?

Employees can access their plans using the Zurich International Life Web based platform.

We give our clients clear, practical advice that helps them reach their financial goals. One day we all want to stop working, and we can help you prepare for that.

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